June 9, 2006 ushered in a new era in comedy: The Living Room! The first show started out a little rocky. With only five minutes until show time, two out of four comics had arrived, and the employees were the only audience!
Ah, but to the patient man goes the spoils. The other comics appeared, and then in came an audience like magic. Like Lucky Charms. And each person's attention was as delicious as a dehydrated marshmallow.
We had six talented comics performing some great stand-up sets. The night was also punctuated with some comedy pieces, "What's New in the News","I'm Bigger Than You" and more. The night was capped off by awarding the prize for "Funniest Comedian of All Time!"
Each performer had a great set. This week's comedians were:
Matty Goldberg
Ed Murray
Ruhbin Mehta and
Jiwon Lee
Jiwon was the winner of this week's "Funniest Comedian of All Time!" award. She won this honor by having her name drawn from the Hat of Chance.
By the time the show was ending there were literally people waiting and watching outside the coffee shop hoping for more show. But as we say in the 'biz, leave 'em wanting more!
See you June 30th!